Monday, November 19, 2007

15 weeks

We went to the doctor last Friday and heard the heartbeat which sounds very strong. Its amazing how quickly this pregnancy is passing. We were just a bit too early for the AFP test which checks for Downs Syndrom, etc. so Lauren has to go back tomorrow for that. We will have the "big ultrasound" in 2 weeks where we should find out if we are having a boy or girl. So don't forget to vote!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Voting Poll

So as the days have come and gone since the voting poll has been active, I noticed there is only 2 votes for girls. There are 7 votes for boys, where's some love for the girls???? Is there some vibe going around or do you just all hope we get one of each???? Please let me know because if Lauren and Aaron do have a little boy, I want to purchase a lottery ticket and play all of your numbers.
At any rate, please don't forget to vote. There's about a month left before we find out what McMiller will be!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

We are having another baby

Yes you heard correctly the Millers are expecting another little bundle of joy. And yes, it was on purpose :) Lauren is now a little over 3 months pregnant and the expected due date is
May 9,2008. I know what you are probably saying " Why so close together " Lauren and Aaron decided this is a good time to bring an addition to the family. Jordyn is now 13 months and is going to love having a little brother or sister. Lauren is doing great she is eatting good, well very good and looking more beautiful than ever.