Monday, February 11, 2008

27 Weeks

We just had our 27 week appointment last Friday. Things still look good and on track. We will go back in 4 weeks and then start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks. The doctor mentioned again that as the time gets closer we can talk about early induction as long as Lauren's cervix is favorable. Other than that, not a whole lot to report. McMiller is still moving quite a bit and Lauren is feeling big. As promised, below are two photos from McMiller's bedroom. Since there is no furniture really in there yet, and Jordyn is sort of using this room as a playroom for the moment we are not posting the entire room yet but we wanted to show the wall color and ceiling fan.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Last week Lauren took her glucose test which checks mainly for gestational diabetes. If you remember from Jordyn, Lauren did not "pass" the first test and had to go back for the 3-hour (and 4 separate blood draw) test. She was very nervous that she would have to go back this time, and even started eating "healthy cereal" in the mornings leading up to the test to lower her sugar. Well, whatever it was, it worked! Lauren found out today that she 'passed' the glucose test and does not have to go back for the 3-hour! Hallelulujah!
Aside from that, McMiller's room has been painted (thank you Aaron), and we have the bedding set for whenever we get the crib. We also installed a ceiling fan since we have no air conditioning and there was no overhead light. We are slowly arranging the room and planning what we need, and Lauren has bought a few items already. Pretty soon we will have to go through the clothes we boxed from Jordyn to see what we will re-use for this baby. Lauren is getting very anxious and is counting the weeks until her due date. We will post photos of the room soon.