Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hayden has now experienced her first earthquake! Yesterday morning a 5.4 earthquake hit Southern California. We didn't feel it too bad, but boy did we shake and roll. Lauren and Aaron both called daycare but the kids had all been outside playing and they didn't even feel it!
Hayden has adjusted well to daycare. The first day she didn't eat too much, so she has been up around 2 am every night since then to get that last feeding. Today she is taking much more so maybe we will get her to sleep through the night.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

3 Months Old

We cannot believe Hayden is already 3 months old! She is getting so big. The day before she turned 10 weeks, Hayden rolled over from her tummy to her back. At 11 weeks she did it again. She is now 12 weeks and has not done it since so maybe it was a fluke. Hayden absolutely loves her mobile. We put her under it and she laughs and laughs. She smiles a lot still and laughs and tries to talk a bit. She is still a pretty sensitive sleeper but latey we have been getting about 7 hours in a row because Hayden is almost sleeping through the night. Even though it is summer-time, Hayden is quite finicky about being cold so she wears long-sleeved, pant pajamas for bed and still needs to be swaddled.
Lauren will go back to work Monday and Hayden will go to daycare with Jordyn. Hayden has been introduced to daycare already and there are already two girls that are 2 months older than her there so she will have friends.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hayden sure loves her sister. This weekend we have all been sitting down to play together and the more Jordyn talks the more excited Hayden gets. She has tried "talking" a bit to Jordyn and laughing. Hayden really wants playtime now and enjoys looking up at the gyms and mobiles she has.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

8 weeks

Hayden is already 8 weeks old! We took her for her 2 month checkup today. She had 4 shots plus an oral vaccine. She was a real trooper. We were unlucky with the nurse who took her sweet time administering each shot individually and painstakingly slowly. But, Hayden was a real trooper and got over it pretty quickly. No sign of a fever yet, she is snoozing it off. Hopefully this does not disrupt her routine too much. As for her stats, she measured 21 3/4 inches which is a 1 3/4 inch growth. She weighed in at 9 pounds 10 ounces. She is still in the 25th percentile for height and weight which is consistent with where she has been. Her birthmarks look good and the rest of her looks great as well.

In other news, Hayden has been smiling as you can see from the picture below. She is beginning to coo a bit as well. She also makes a face as if she is laughing but so far no sound. All in all, Hayden is a pretty laid back kid who does not fuss too much. She pretty much cries only when she is bored or hungry. Usually around 7:30 she becomes inconsolable with her crying which means she wants to be swaddled. She is often awake until around 10 pm and then goes down. She is waking up once per night which is great because Lauren will go back to work in 4 more weeks and we are hoping to get enough sleep.
We also had a 'Sip and See' 2 weeks ago to welcome Hayden. Thank you to everyone who helped organize and who attended. We are glad you were able to meet her and look forward to having her out more soon. That is about all for now, check back soon!