Monday, May 25, 2009

Hayden is now in her big girl carseat! She absolutely loves it. Jordyn was very excited, too. Hayden cannot keep from smiling when we put her in it.
Hayden also has a lot of words, now. She knows bottle, bath, ball, cracker, doggie, book and will repeat lots of things we say like please or I love you (which is a jumbled mess but we know what she is saying). We are amazed at how much she is picking up. But, she does have a big sister that she adores that she is learning from!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Birthday Girl

Hayden turned 1 this past Sunday! This photo was made for us in addition to the portraits we had taken of the girls this weekend.
We began the day with Hayden being fussy to the point where she wasn't going back to sleep. Lauren went to cuddle her for a few minutes and when she put her back down and came back to bed, it was 5:15 a.m. We had to reflect on the fact that one year ago at that time Lauren's water had broken, paving the way for Hayden's arrival. Very interesting. Its bittersweet to look back over the past year. It has gone way too fast but we are enjoying every minute of it.
We held a small birthday party for Hayden. We began at 11 a.m. with lunch with the grandparents, then her party and we did not leave until 8:30 p.m.!! Party girl! Boppy and Grandma were gracious enough to have the gathering at their house which was great. Thank you to all who helped us celebrate this great day! Luckily, Aunt Bindie (Pam) was able to make it out for the event. She had some car trouble, but she did make it!
Hayden is walking so well that she pretty much won't crawl at all anymore. She is such a mellow, happy girl. She had her one year checkup and shots on Monday. She weighs 17 lbs. 13 oz. which puts her at about the 10th percentile, and is about 24 inches long. She is holding steady at the 25th percentile for height, but for now she is still a petite little girl. She did absolutely awesome for the doctor. She smiled, laughed and walked for him. Hayden was also tested for anemia (came back negative) and she did not even react when they pricked her finger for the test. She did cry for her shots but after that she was a real trooper. Slightly fussy that night but other than that great. We are transitioning her to milk now, and in compliance with California law, she will have to wait until she is 20 lbs to get her "big girl" car seat.