Friday, August 21, 2009

One more thing we forgot to mention. Lately when we change Hayden's diaper she reaches up and says "hug". It is the sweetest thing to see these little arms and hands reaching up to our face to grab it and get a little hug!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finding the time to sit down and chronicle Hayden's progress has proved difficult recently :) Hayden has been doing great. We have had no more incidents with sickness or fever so that has been a relief. Just after Hayden's febrile seizure, she had a really hard time sleeping. We were back to being up either multiple times per night or hours at a time in the middle of the night. We were very paranoid of getting her temp too high so she was sleeping in just a shirt and diaper. As we tried to figure out what could be happening, Lauren remembered that as an infant last summer Hayden had to be swaddled up with no fan on, even in the midst of the heat of summer. Soooo... we put her jammie pants on and voila! She slept all night! What a stinker!
Hayden has been chewing on things a lot lately and last night Lauren gave her some Orajel and while she was feeling around found two upper molars broken through. She still only has 4 front teeth and two bottom teeth, plus these new molars, but obviously things are moving. We can see ridges all along her bottom gums so we expect more toofers to break through soon.
Hayden's communication skills are really getting good. We took the girls to the beach and Hayden saw a seagull and started chasing it saying "Birdie! C'mere!" So sweet. She really enjoyed playing in the sand. She is learning her body parts, and can point to and name her nose, ears, eyes, mouth, tummy, toes, feet, hands, hair.
Many people have remarked about the way Hayden walks, so we thought we should diary it for posterity. Hayden walks with a bit of a swagger. Its as if her hips are loose or something, she sort of leans back and sways her hips and the result is this assured, swagger walk which is so unlike a baby just getting her bearings walking.