Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The voting poll is over

Well yes you heard it correct the voting poll is complete. The final score was Boys 15 / Girls 6.
And we are having.....(drumroll)..... A GIRL!!!!!!
The technician said he saw her from every angle and is 100% sure its a girl. And since that is exactly what he said with Jordyn, we are pretty sure he is accurate.
Aaron could not be more happy, and Lauren is excited too. Now we get to start picking out names! Thanks for voting, our babysitting winners can contact us to set up your "shift" :) The pictures we got did not scan very well so we will post them shortly when we can re-scan them. The baby was very active which was fun to watch. All measurements look good and right on schedule. Can't wait to meet her!
Keep checking back for more fun votes!