Friday, January 11, 2008

23 Weeks and Happy New Year

We cannot believe we are more than halfway there! Not sure what it is about Lauren being pregnant and us going on tropical vacations, but we spent New Years in Cozumel, Mexico (see our other blogs for a few pics). Lauren was brave enough to wear a bikini but will not subject you all to those tummy pics. McMiller is growing and moving like crazy. Lauren thinks this kid is more active than Jordyn was! Aaron actually got to feel her kicking last night which was neat. Lauren will have to do the sugar test in about 2 weeks which checks for gestational diabetes. We have about 4 months until this little one's due date!
We have also started planning McMiller's room, and the things we are picking are completely girlie, unlike Jordyn where we tried to keep things neutral. We don't need very many things, though, since most of Jordyn's we can re-use. Hopefully this weekend we will be able to paint both girls' rooms since we bought paint. McMiller's walls will be a sea foam green, and Lauren has chosen a pink/brown bedding set with white furniture. Hope it all looks okay!