Friday, March 28, 2008

Adventures in Pregnancy

It has been one exciting week! Tuesday afternoon before Lauren left work she went to the bathroom and saw blood. She immediately called the doctor's office and was told to go to the hospital. Scary! Lauren did end up having mild, regular contractions. After some testing it was discovered that Lauren had a urinary tract infection, causing bleeding and contractions. This can be caused by the bladder not emptying itself all the way since pregnant people, especially at this stage, are going so often. The leftovers just stay in the bladder and can breed infection. So Lauren was given meds and ordered to be on bedrest until the follow up on Friday. Now, bedrest may sound fun, but the instructions are: bedrest - you can get up to go to the bathroom, take a shower, and for meals. No laundry, no shopping, no heavy lifting. Which means no picking up Jordyn, either. We saw the doctor for a follow up today. Lauren actually seems to have a different kind of infection, again very common in women. She has been given new meds and is now officially off work until McMiller arrives. We heard the heartbeat which still sounds great. The baby is head down, the cervix is still closed, and she is growing great. The doctor joked that Lauren hides her babies well - since no one thought Jordyn would be as big as she was and Lauren's tummy is still not huge. Lauren is now on bedrest for another week and a half. At that point we are hoping she will be on modified bedrest until 37 weeks, when the doctor wants Lauren up and about to get this baby out!
Poor Aaron is now doing double, triple duty. Lucky for him, though, Lauren has had two great pregnancies up until this point but boy is he getting it now! Unfortunately Aaron cannot go on his golfing trip next week because Lauren will still be on bedrest. We'll make it up to you, Aaron/Daddy!