Monday, August 25, 2008

4 months!

Hayden is now 17 weeks (4 months old). According to the doctor she now weighs 12 pounds 5 ounces and is about 23 inches long. She is still consistent in the 25th percentile for both height and weight. She got four shots today plus an oral vaccine but she sure has handled it like a trooper! About a week or so ago she was diagnosed with pink eye, too, but the eye drops cured it and her eyes are clear.
She has continued to roll over sporadically, and now she is pretty quick when she chooses to do it. It also looks like she is trying to go from her back to her front. Hayden is "talking" up a storm these days. She just coos and goos. She is also chewing on her hands and clothes like crazy. We don't see any teeth but she sure is drooling and chewing a lot. She also really likes when we stand her up on our legs when we are holding her. Her legs are getting very strong from holding her like this and letting her stand or bounce a bit. She is not strong enough yet for the exersaucer but we think it will be time soon. Hayden's hair has stayed pretty red with some brown in it, and her eyes are still blue but are lightening a bit, they are like a clearblue or grayish blue.