Monday, February 9, 2009

9 months old!

So we are a little late posting this but the girls have been really sick. Both girls have had respiratory viruses and ear infections. In the process we have discovered that she is allergic to penicillin just like her sister! So, Hayden has not been able to get her 9 months stats yet. She will go next week.
In the meantime, though, Hayden has been doing so much! She is really getting up and crawling, and pulling herself up. She prefers to pull herself up on us then hang out holding our hands. Or she will bounce/dance and do a few bends to sit down.
Hayden is also doing her "So Big" move with her hands up above her head, and then she immediately claps.
As for words, she is saying dada more. Not sure if its meant to call Daddy or not. She will throw in mama every now and then, and is making all other sorts of incoherent sounds like gagaga, etc. Hayden does, however, have a turtle toy that she really likes and when we are playing with it Lauren will tell Hayden it is a "turtle" and Hayden repeats "to to"! It might just be mimicking but hey, we are impressed!
And of course she is loving dropping her toy so that someone will pick it up for her. She knows to say "uh oh" when the toy drops, too. Thank goodness Jordyn seems to enjoy picking up her toy and giving it back to her. The girls have found a way to play together!