Sunday, July 5, 2009

We realize we are way overdue for a post. Photos to come soon but for now we will try to catch up on the last few weeks.
Hayden has lots of words. She loves bananas and asks for them often, especially when we drop her off at daycare because she sees them on the counter. She also gets very excited when she sees "Mamo" (Elmo). Just like her sister, Hayden understands the telephone and will put it up to her ear and say "hello" into it. She is excellent at saying 'thank you' if she is given something, and she will ask for things by saying "I want that". She often walks around saying "I want baba", but half the time we think she just says it because she can, not because she wants the bottle. She gets very excited when she sees balloons as well.
She is recognizing people, too. She can pick Boppy and Grandma out of photos. And, the other night when Jordyn was getting into bed Hayden said "Night night Jordyn." She has not said it since but we were shocked and excited that she called her sister by her name!
Hayden is also learning body parts. She knows "nose" which she calls "no" and occasionally will point to mouth ("mow").
We got out our little kid pool this past weekend but Hayden is not interested in the water at all. She climbed up Lauren like she was a tree to get away from the water. Some of that may be in response to how enthusiastic Jordyn is in the water, but since she has just started being more comfortable in the bath it may just take her some time to get interested. Or it may just take her watching Jordyn - she watches Jordyn and tries to imitate her big sister on lots of things so maybe she'll look up to her with the pool, too!