Friday, May 9, 2008

First doctor visit

Hayden had her first doctor visit yesterday. The doctor said she looks perfect. She has lost about 5 ounces but the doctor is not worried. Everything else checked out great, though she measured quite a bit shorter than in the hospital which we expected because Jordyn did, too. Hayden does have a birthmark on her back. It looked like a bruise in the hospital but has since faded to a whitish mark. We forget the official name for it (hemo something), but the doctor said it could get bigger, could get redder, but will most likely go away with time.
We also wanted to address Hayden's name. As you know, Hayden was not a choice in her name poll, and many of you remember this was the original name for Jordyn. Up until the final week of Lauren's pregnancy, we were still perusing the baby name book for possibilities. We knew we would wait to meet her to make a decision, though. Even at the hospital we tried throwing around names. Once Hayden was born, we spent at least an hour and a half just holding her, staring at her, trying out different names. Lauren still liked Daphne, Aaron really liked Samantha. We didn't think she looked like either of those names though. So we tried Hayden and decided that we could agree on it, and that she did look like a Hayden. So Hayden it is!