Monday, May 5, 2008

Hayden's Birth Story

At 5:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 3, Lauren woke up to find that her water had broken. Once Grandma arrived to stay with Jordyn, we went to the hospital per the doctor's instructions. After being admitted, the paper they use to test whether the membranes had ruptured was not turning the correct color and they were going to send us home. Lauren was sure, however, that it had been her water. We had to be on the monitor for one hour and with four mintues left Lauren felt another gush which they tested and confirmed that her water had indeed broken. They immediately started Pitocin because they want a delivery within 24 hours of breaking the water and the sooner the better to avoid infection. We watched some tv and waited. Lauren held out as long as she could and then had an epidural. After that she was feeling better and was about 5-6 cm dilated. After about an hour, around 3:00 p.m. Lauren began to feel pressure and pain again. She tried to wait it out but it was getting more intense and we called for the nurse who after checking Lauren had them call the doctor. The doctor was about 20 minutes away and they made sure the ER doc was standing by just in case. Lauren's contractions got more and more intense and she was feeling more and more, and after about 15 minutes real pushing Hayden Isobella was born, delivered by one of the nurses because she came too fast for them to call the ER doc and our doc had not arrived yet. Our doctor actually came in just after Hayden was born. As it turns out, Lauren only had the initial shot from the epidural, it was not on the rest of the time, so Lauren did deliver pain-med free. Our little girl, born on May 3 at 3:50 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 3 oz and 20.5 inches long, is beautiful. Her eyebrows are so light you can barely see them, she has thin eyelashes and hair on the light side. Jordyn is thrilled with her baby sister.