Saturday, October 4, 2008

5 months

Hayden is 5 months! Since our last post, Hayden has added vegetables to her cereal. She LOVES vegetables. Her appetite has really increased and she absolutely loves cereal and vegetables. She has had green beans and squash and really likes them. She has also really started talking in her sleep. Every morning around 5:30 am Hayden starts talking. We keep thinking she is awake but her eyes are closed. She will do this for about 20 minutes and then stop, still sleeping. Speaking of sleep, Hayden has slept through the night 3 nights in a row!!! She is also moving a lot in her sleep. She ends up with her neck all the way back and her back arched as if she were trying to roll over and stopped in the middle. We keep trying to get a photo but we don't want to wake her up. Hayden is a very happy baby. She loves to smile, especially if her big sister is paying attention to her. She is having a lot of fun in the exersaucer and her toys. When we put her on her tummy with toys in front of her she tries to move up to get to them. She will sometimes go in circles, and sometimes buck with her tush and legs. Its so cute, we can tell she can't wait to become mobile! She is even starting to talk a little more, and gurgle, coo and explore sounds. Hayden has also started showing us she when she is excited by sticking out her tongue and smiling! Not sure where she learned that one, but it cracks us up!