Thursday, November 6, 2008

6 months old!

Hayden is now 1/2 year old! Hayden is doing great. At her six month checkup, we were told she weighs 14 lbs. 14 oz. and is 25 1/4 inches long. Still very consistent in the 25th percentile. She had four shots and took them like a trooper. She seemed a little warm the morning after but beyond that she really did not have a reaction.
Hayden is rolling both ways now and has been for a few weeks. Sometimes she is just a rolly polly, rolling along to move around. She also maneuvers pretty well on her stomach to turn positions or sort of scoot. She reminds us of swimming on land because she will be on her tummy and get so excited that she puts her head down and her legs just wiggle and her arms and body go, too! Hayden really enjoys being on her tummy to play and loves the exersaucer. She is getting pretty strong at sitting up, too. Hayden also has been communicating with her babbling - she loves to talk, especially to Jordyn. She blows rasberries quite often, and even makes kissy noises! We don't remember mentioning this in the last post, but Hayden very much enjoys kicking and splashing in her tub. So much so that we have had to put the tub into the big bathtub to avoid having to clean massive amounts of water off the mirror, floor and toilet. Plus, Jordyn gets a little worried when the water starts cascading over the tub and getting her wet (she is of course right there helping :) ).
No sign of teeth yet aside from major chewing, but Hayden did all of a sudden stop taking cereal, vegetables and fruit for a few days. We finally let her hold the spoon and WOOSH! right into her mouth. She chewed on it (probably felt good if she is teething), and Lauren was able to swipe it every few seconds to load it up with more food. Hopefully we have cracked the no-food-mood!
Hayden's eyes are still blue. They are a sapphire blue, very bright and darker than Jordyn's are (although Jordyn's were this color at one point so we will see if they lighten up like hers). Her eyelashes look as though they have been curled with an eyelash curler - they look like Lauren's when she is wearing mascara! You can kind of see them in the photo above, especially her right eye. Hayden's hair, including her eyebrows (what we can see) and eyelashes are still light reddish. When the light hits her eyelashes just right they glow a beautiful golden.
Lastly, we have begun transitioning Hayden to her own room. She has been in the pack and play bassinet since she was born, just like we did with Jordyn. We vowed to move Hayden sooner than we did with Jordyn, but here Hayden is, 6 months old and almost 15 pounds (the weight limit is 15 pounds) and we are still having a hard time letting her go. She has spent two nights in her crib and done great.