Thursday, April 24, 2008

38 weeks

Well, tomorrow we are 38 weeks. We went to the doctor today and Lauren is 1+ cm dilated. We know this really does not mean much but its nice to know there is a bit of progress. We talked about the possibility of induction and we will go see the doctor again next Tuesday the 29th because she will be out of town the end of next week. Then if the baby has not arrived we will induce May 5. Its very exciting but also a bit scary. Yes we have been through this before but a big change is about to occur :) Lauren will be a little disappointed if we induce because she really wants the experience of "going into labor" but maybe with making arrangements for Jordyn its better to know ahead of time. Either which way, McMiller will be arriving soon and we are looking forward to meeting her. We are so ready to meet her!