Monday, April 28, 2008

We are still here

This weekend we tried various methods to help coax McMiller out. Funnily, our doctor predicted this would happen back when she put Lauren on bed rest back a few weeks ago. She told us 'watch you will be one of those people who has this scare and ends up going until your due date.' Yup, thanks, Dr. Kim! We are relieved that we have made it this far so McMiller could continue to grow and develop. And granted, we are not overdue yet, but we are ready to meet our girl and now that it is getting hot, Lauren's belly just makes it harder to move around.
This weekend we tried fried pickles from Hooters and a Dodger game. No baby. Then Sunday we went to the LA Times Bookfair at UCLA. It was sooooo hot. No baby. We also completed two household projects - we planted some flowers and plants in the front yard, and painted the kitchen. You can see a few photos on our family blog, but still no baby :)
There is a sort of pregnancy urban legend in Southern California (actually we are not sure how far it reaches) that a restaurant called Caiote in Studio City has a salad that will get you to go into labor. One of the books Lauren read with Jordyn said yeah, the salad is 100% effective because obviously the baby is eventually going to come. But we thought, hey, why not give it a try? If nothing else, its a new restaurant to try and it makes for a fun blog update. There was one other pregnant woman there. The salad was good - but no baby yet! :) They keep a book and have all the pregnant women write in it and we were amazed that 1 1/2 books that are good sized have been completed since October! This place is popular! Here's hoping that sometime soon "the salad" works for us!