Thursday, April 17, 2008

We are 37 weeks tomorrow and went to the doctor's today. We were not checked so we don't know if Lauren is dilated or effaced. McMiller has definitely dropped - Lauren's belly is much lower and she can breathe better now. Lauren has been having sporadic contractions but there is no pattern and they don't get more intese, so pretty much they mean nothing. The doctor said the baby seemed to be "large" or at least growing nicely when he measured the belly, and she is still head down.
Since coming off bed rest Lauren has spent some of her days preparing for the baby by getting the last items we need to have before McMiller comes and doing lots of laundry so Aaron will not have to worry about that the first few days. We are so excited to meet McMiller and see what its like with two little ones! Jordyn still doesn't understand that a baby will be here in our home soon but she is seeing us prepare the room so it won't be a total surprise (we do a little every day or so, we don't want to overwhelm her), and she has taken to wanting to pat Lauren's belly and say "Hi, baby" or put lotion on "the baby" (Lauren's belly). We don't think she understands more than that yet, but McMiller, your big sister loves you already!